Damjan Irgolič Apps

iSpiritus 3.0.0
Damjan Irgolič
iSpiritus is a real time spiritcommunicatorand EVP recorder (Ghostbox), It generates random crowdsounds tocontribute Electronic Voice Phenomenon,it has fully functional delay time recordings up to 10sec,Thismeans what you are hearing is the actual audio being recordedintoyour device in real time including crowd noise.iSpiritus is not a toy, it is the product of hardworkingresearchover the years, It is believed that entities, ghosts,spirits canmanipulate sounds and use it as carrier to generateparanormalactivities.iSpiritus use this technology to make spirit communicationreal,also multiple options to speed, slow, record sounds areimplementedto increase communication possibilities.Version 3.0 also includes The revolutionary iTCommunicator(ITC)that converts environmental readings into real words.Now you can get real words responses to your questions.iTCommunicator is not a toy, it is the product ofhardworkingresearch over the years, The iTCommunicator generateswords basedon changes to magnetic field sensors on yourdevice.It has database with over 10,000 words to make InstrumentalTransCommunications(ITC) possible.Main idea is that an outside force can effect and manipulatewithmagnetic fields around us.Theories suggest that spirits and other paranormal entities maybeable to alter our environment such as electromagnet frequenciestochoose a response from a preset database of over 10,000words.During the use it is advisable to plug in external speakersforbetter results!
Hipster Camera 1.1
Damjan Irgolič
Hipster Camera is advancedvintage/retro/grunge photo app. It’s fast, easy to use, it bringsback the look, feel of photos and cameras from the past!Take advantage of more then 30 live camera lenses with excitingdetails.The Hipster Camera is focused on very simple but fun experience.There is no complicated settings. Just take a photo, and you getresult. Enjoy.Hipster Camera features:- 40 live Camera lenses and growing with each new update- Fast image processing with excellent results
inCode Security 2015 1.0.0
Damjan Irgolič
inCode Security 2015 for Android isadvancedpremium protection for your Android mobile phone, detect,stop andremove malware, viruses, spyware, & other potentialharmfulsoftware!With latest Cloud and parallel processing technology MobileMalwareScan becomes more powerfull,stop malware atOnce, Scan your device memory and SD Cards,checkactive processes, protect your device from Hackers!Scan websites, links, & downloaded apps in real-time.Surf safe on your tablet or phone, with Advanced heuristic scananyharmful website or downloadable software will be stopped!Other Options Included:- Modern GUI- Manage your gps, wifi, 3G network options.- Check your security settings and advises you on how to protectyouphone to the max.- Battery advisor.- Daily updates.So what about malware or viruses on Android? Should webeworried?Yes, Device Memory Internal/External which is not protectedwithroot privilages by OS can be infected, even then malwarecanpenetrate memory on open devices, steel your passwords, sendSMSsetc..Currently, Premium SMS scams are the biggest threat tosmartphoneusers,regardless of OS, They’re relatively simple to set-up, and havethepotential to pay-off big.But there are constantly new threats evolving, rangingfromaggressive ad networks, through to Trojans and new formsofmalware.Mobile phones have become our wallet, contact list,communications,and more. You wouldn’t leave your bank account opentoeveryone,so why take the same chances with your phone when it containssomuch information?But at the same time, you shouldn’t be scared of using allthefeatures on your device – Lookout gives people the freedom toenjoytheir smartphone to the full.
iTCommunicator (ITC) 1.0.0
Damjan Irgolič
The revolutionary iTCommunicator (ITC)forMobile Devices converts environmental readings intorealwords.Now you can get real words responses to your questions.iTCommunicator is not a toy, it is the product ofhardworkingresearch over the years, The iTCommunicator generateswords basedon magnetic fields readings from the sensors on yourDevice.It has database with over 10,000 words and magnetic fielddetectorto make Instrumental Trans Communications(ITC) possible.Main idea is that an outside force can effect and manipulatewithmagnetic fields around us.Theories suggest that spirits and other paranormal entities maybeable to alter our environment such as electromagnet frequenciestochoose a response from a preset database of over 10,000words.This device doesn't use random generators!
Anti-Malware for Android 1.1.2
Damjan Irgolič
Anti-Malware+ for Android ispowerfullAnti-Malware, Antivirus and Anti-Scam solution for AndroidDevices,100% safe to use!!!So what about malware or viruses on Android? Should webeworried?Yes, Device Memory Internal/External which is not protectedwithroot privilages by OS can be infected, even then malwarecanpenetrate memory on open devices, steel your passwords, sendSMSsetc..Android Anti-Malware+ will locate and delete infected orsuspiciousfiles with advanced Heuristic Scantechnology(**Dailyupdated**).Anti-Malware+ for Android also offers eSurfer!With eSurfer you can safely surf the web without worryingaboutmalicious websites!If you are concerned about your privacy and security whilebrowsingthe internet over your mobiel device, eSurfer is the bestway tostart with.eSurfer has fast growing database with over then 20.000 badsiteswith daily updates, it will automaticaly warn you aboutunsafewebshops,gambling and phishing sites that are designed to stealyoursensitive personal information such as bank information,creditcard information, etc!Phishing is essentially an online con game and phishers arenothingmore than tech-savvy con artists and identity thieves. TheyuseSPAM, malicious Web sites, email messages and instant messagestotrick people into divulging sensitive information, such as bankandcredit card accounts.How Do You KnowPhishers, pretending to be legitimate companies, may use emailtorequest personal information and direct recipients torespondthrough malicious web sitesPhishers tend to use emotional language using scare tacticsorurgent requests to entice recipients to respondThe phish sites can look remarkably like legitimate sitesbecausethey tend to use the copyrighted images from legitimatesitesRequests for confidential information via email or InstantMessagetend to not be legitimateFraudulent messages are often not personalized and may sharesimilarproperties like details in the header and footer!In the last 12 months, there has been an increase infor-profitmalware across all OSs.We’ve seen increasingly sophisticated threats emerging – forthefirst time ever,we witnessed malware writers targeting the mobile Webviacompromised or infected websites with theNotCompatiblethreat.”So what is Malware on Android?The vast majority of malware on Android is focused onstealingyour information, which is obviously a major concern.Perhaps the worst case scenario at the moment is malware thatsendsSMS messages to premium rate numbers.There’s no denying that it is dangerous but it’s also like avampire– in that you have to invite it into your home,or onto your phone. It is not spreading by itself and, if youaresensible, you can avoid it without needing antivirussoftware.Unfortunately, as we mentioned before, malware writersareemploying ever more sophisticated techniques to fool you.There are apps that clone legitimate apps to fool youintodownloading them and apps that are malware free when youfirstinstall them, but download malware through the updatesystem.“Currently, Premium SMS scams are the biggest threattosmartphone users,regardless of OS, They’re relatively simple to set-up, and havethepotential to pay-off big.But there are constantly new threats evolving, rangingfromaggressive ad networks, through to Trojans and new formsofmalware.Mobile phones have become our wallet, contact list,communications,and more. You wouldn’t leave your bank account opentoeveryone,so why take the same chances with your phone when it containssomuch information?But at the same time, you shouldn’t be scared of using allthefeatures on your device – Lookout gives people the freedom toenjoytheir smartphone to the full.